“As the head of the family should teach it in a simple way to his household.”
― Martin Luther,  Small Catechism


The lowdown

  • School is out, catechesis is not
  • Catechesis can continue online
  • Grapple with the catechism with Pastor Wolfmueller on YouTube
  • More resources to come!


Grappling with the catechism!


With the break in the regular Sunday morning catechesis schedule, it is easy to fall out of the habit of learning and re-learning those 6 chief parts. Thanks to a couple pastors, it is easier than ever to answer the question, “What does this mean?”

The Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas, has a YouTube channel full of great catechetical resources, including a systematic approach to tackling — or grappling with, as the title of his popular video series suggests — much of Luther’s Small Catechism.

A while back, Pastor Dehning compiled a list of resources for us to review as we study the catechism at home and with him on Sunday mornings, and he included several videos from Pastor Wolfmueller’s channel. Here they are:

Hopefully, you find them to be as helpful and insightful as we did! And even after finishing all the videos above, keep grappling with the catechism!

Side note: there are more resources from Pastor Dehning’s catechetical video list to come. Stay tuned…