… “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21)




twenty-first sunday after pentecost


Please read the note below from Pastor Woodhouse regarding his sermon:

With the presidential and vice-presidential debates so recent, and a presidential election looming in the near future, several of us are probably very familiar with the game of imagining how our politicians or leaders could have said something differently – or better – if only they thought or spoke like we did.

A quick reading of this week’s Gospel lesson might invite us to play the same game with the way Jesus handles the question of the rich young man. We may very well have handled this man in a different way from what Jesus did… Why, for example, did Jesus seem to let this man’s claim not to have committed any sins pass unaddressed? Perhaps the reason Jesus responds to this headstrong man is not solely directed at this particular man and his specific situation. Perhaps, Jesus replies to this man in a way that should speak to each of us, as well!